Privacy Policy


Adopted 17th June 2019

The next review date is August 2023

Policy Statement

KingsGate School recognises its responsibility to comply with the provisions of the Privacy Act 1993.


Procedural Guidelines

1. The Privacy Officer is the Principal.

2. Privacy principles will include (as per the New Zealand Privacy Act 1993):

The storage and security of information

Access to personal information

Limits on the use of information

Limits on disclosure

Limits on sharing information assigning of unique identifiers

3. Requests for information about students will be referred to the Principal who will establish the authenticity of the request and release information where appropriate under the Act.

4. Staff are permitted to view their personal files. They are to make appropriate arrangements for this with the Principal.

5. Any information about any staff member (requested by a third party) will be provided in the first instance to the staff member, unless written or verbal authority is given by that staff member that the information may be provided directly to the person who requested it.

6. Address and phone number details for staff and students will not be released or sold to third parties.

7. Care will be taken that the information requested from staff and students, and held by the school, continues to be relevant to the purposes of the school. Staff and student data will be updated regularly.

8. All information collected will be used only for the purpose intended.

9. Any personal information the school holds is stored in a secure way e.g. under lock and key and password-protected electronically stored data.

Supporters and Sponsors

Parents, please support our local businesses

Orizen Tyres Pukekohe Diana Cussen Barfoot & Thompson Ltd DTS Electrical Pukekohe Storage Unearthed Counties Home Loans & Insurance Peter J Valley Drainlaying Ltd Zoom Technologies Pukekohe Toyota Aaron Snook Electrical Pukekohe Early Learning Centre Natalie Allan - Vegalend A1 Homes South Auckland

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