Please read this page in full, prior to starting the online application form. KingsGate currently has a full school roll, not all students that apply will be granted an interview, please ensure your application is completed thoroughly, with honesty and as much detail as possible to best position your child for success.
Unlike State schools, KingsGate School has a strict enrolment procedure and requirements. Submission of an enrolment application does not guarantee an interview or student placement.
Make sure to upload the following when you complete the online application form:
Incomplete applications will be removed without processing and will need to be fully resubmitted, no correspondence will be received.
NZCPT KingsGate Enrolment Information Sheet:
2024 NZCPT Direct Debit Form: |
2022 KingsGate School ProspectusAdobe Acrobat Document 3.5 MB
Additional Needs Supplementary Form |
Pastors Attestation Form. Please Click here for the online form. The Pastors Attestation is a compulsory component of any student enrolment application. No application will be accepted or progressed without one.
If you are not currently attending church we will require a pastor from the most recent church you attended to complete the pastor's attestation.
If you have not attended Church for an extended period of time then a Christian Character referee must complete the form in place of pastor. |
What documents do I need to complete the online application form?
Please see comprehensive list above. All must be received with the online application, any incomplete applications will be removed without processing and will need to be fully resubmitted, no correspondence will be received.
If my child is offered a place at KingsGate School after the interview what do I need to do?
Before KingsGate School can complete the enrolment of your child you will need to pay your attendance dues at least one term in advance. From the start of 2024 this will be $513.50. Once NZCPT confirms with our Office Manager that the term in advance has been received then the enrolment can be completed. If your child is a new entrant, our Office Manager will also confirm with you dates for school visits before your child’s official start date.
How do I pay the term in advance when my child is offered a place at KingsGate?
Please process a direct credit payment to: New Zealand Christian Proprietors Trust, ASB bank account 12-3107-0061704-05 . Use your child's surname and first name as a reference as well as TIA, please keep a note of the date this transfer was made.
Can any child attend KingsGate School?
Because our special character is that of a Christian school, the Ministry of Education places specific requirements upon us. One of these requirements is that 95% of our students have to be pupils of parents or caregivers that have "preference of enrolment" at KingsGate School. The remaining 5% of our students can then be students of parents who do not fall into the preference of enrolment category.
How do I know if my child has "preference of enrolment"?
Part 26 of Schedule 6 of the Education and Training Act 2020 states the following.
Preference of Enrolment
"The children of parents who have a particular or general philosophical or religious connection with a State integrated school must be preferred to other children for enrolment at the school."
How do I know, as parents of a student with preference of enrolment, if we have a particular or general connection to the school?
The school Deed of Integration states the following
Preference of Enrolment at the school shall be given only to those children whose parent(s)/guardian(s), in the proprietor's opinion, have established a particular connection with the school through membership of, or affiliation with, evangelical Christian churches having a Biblical basis of faith consistent with the Statement of Special Character or a general connection with the school through a demonstrated acceptance of the Statement of Special Character.
What is the School's Special Character Statement?
The School's Special Character Statement is contained within its Deed of Integration and is as follows:
"The school is a Christian School in which the whole school community, through the general school programme and in its religious instructions and observances, exercises the right to live and teach the values of Jesus Christ. These values are expressed in the Scriptures and in the practices, worship and doctrine of the Evangelical Christian Church as determined by the Proprietor [NZCPT]" .
Are there any restrictions on students who have preference of enrolment?
Great question. The only restriction that KingsGate School has on the number of students that have preference of enrolment is the roll cap that the Ministry of Education places on the school.
A roll cap is the maximum number of students that a school is allowed at their location. When the school reaches this roll cap, we can no longer accept students who have preference of enrolment or enrolments from other students who do not fit this category.
However, parents will be offered the opportunity to place their child on a waiting list. The waiting list for those with preference of enrolment will take priority over the waiting list for students who do not fall into the preference of enrolment category.
I think that as parents, we do not meet the preference of enrolment criteria for our child. How can I be sure?
Again, we would need to ask you some questions, such as...
1. Do one or both of the student’s parents or caregivers not hold and adhere to the same Christian faith outlined in the School Statement of Faith?
2. Are one or both parents or caregivers not willing to sign the Statement of Faith Declaration?
If you answered "yes" to these questions then it is likely that your child will not fall into the preference of enrolment category.
If your child is enrolled with us but does not fall into our preference of enrolment category, parents must understand that the following.
Schedule 6, Part 27 of the Education and Training Act
"By enrolling a student at a State integrated school, a parent is taken to have accepted as a condition of enrolment that the student is to participate in the general school programme that gives the school its special character."
Are there restrictions on students who do not fit the preference of enrollment category?
Parents or caregivers of students who do not have preference of enrolment must understand that their child will only be able to enroll if places remain after all students that do have preference of enrolment have been accepted.
The maximum number of places available for students who do not have preference of enrolment is governed by the maximum allowable under the School’s Integration Agreement.
Is there a priority list for the enrolment of students who do not have preference of enrolment?
Excellent question. Priority will be given in the following order:
1. Year zero or one siblings of non-preferential students currently enrolled.
2. Year zero or one siblings of former non-preferential students.
3. Non-preferential students who have come from schools who share the same or similar methods of learning as KingsGate.
4. Non-preferential students who have come from other Christian character schools.
5. Other non-preferential students.
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