School Uniform


Wearing a uniform and wearing it correctly promotes an appreciation of equity and provides a common social base from which students can start their learning.  It promotes a sense of belonging to the school and to one another and is a practical means for identifying the school within the wider community.


  • School footwear is plain black shoes. Shoes should be appropriate for age (for juniors please consider velcro rather than laced shoes) and suitable for all school activities. 
  • Years 0-8 wear Knee-length navy socks: boys’ socks fold-over at the top, whereas girls’ socks do not. The correct socks are available from The Uniform Shoppe (SAS Sports).
  • Secondary years (Year 9 & 10) wear navy or black crew length socks. 
  • Students have the option of wearing plain black sandals in the summer terms, rather than shoes and socks.
  • High-heeled or decorated shoes, jandals, scuffs (with no back), crocs and 'jibbitz' are not appropriate for school.

Hair, Jewellery and Make Up

  • Hairstyles are expected to be tidy, with hair kept its natural colour.
  • Long hair must be tied back with navy, royal blue, black, or white hair ties for hygiene reasons and to prevent the spread of head lice.
  • Nail polish and make up are not to be worn to school.
  • Jewellery is not to be worn at school unless it is for a specific purpose (eg. purity ring, family taonga) and permission is sought in advance from the principal.


  • Because KingsGate is a Sun Smart School, school sunhats (available from The Uniform Shoppe) are compulsory for all students in the summer terms.

Sports Uniform T-Shirt

  • The sports uniform T-shirt, worn for physical education and school sports, is also available from The Uniform Shoppe. Black sports shorts of any type are to be worn with the T-shirt and can be purchased from a clothing store of your own choice. 

Uniform Exemptions

  • Exemptions for health reasons can be applied for by parents on a case by case basis to the school, accompanied by a letter from a health professional.

Uniform is stocked by

The Uniform Shoppe

7A Glasgow Road


Phone: 09 239 1310

Year 7 & 8 Uniform

Year 9 & 10 Uniform

Years 0 - 6 Uniform

Supporters and Sponsors

Parents, please support our local businesses

Orizen Tyres Pukekohe Diana Cussen Barfoot & Thompson Ltd DTS Electrical Pukekohe Storage Unearthed Counties Home Loans & Insurance Peter J Valley Drainlaying Ltd Zoom Technologies Pukekohe Toyota Aaron Snook Electrical Pukekohe Early Learning Centre Natalie Allan - Vegalend A1 Homes South Auckland

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