Responsibilities of the Principal Policy


Adopted 17th June 2019

Reviewed October 2020


The next review date is October 2023

Policy Statement

The Principal is the special character leader of the school and the BOT’s chief executive working in partnership with the BOT. The Principal shall not cause or allow any practice, activity or decision that is unethical, unlawful, and imprudent or which violates the BOT’s Charter or expressed values or commonly held professional ethic.


Alongside their professional role, the Principal’s key contribution to day-to-day management of the school is as per the management definition in the introduction to this governance manual.


The Principal is responsible for overseeing the implementation of BOT policy including the Charter. Reference in the documentation to the school, management and staff is to be read as “Principal” for responsibility for implementation. From time to time the Chair of the BOT acting within delegated authority may issue discretions in policies of the school, in the minutes of the BOT, or by written delegation.


Procedural Guidelines

The responsibilities of the Principal are to:

Meet the requirements of the current job description

Meet the requirements of their employment agreement including the four areas of practice from the Principals’ Professional Standards

Act as an educational leader and day to day manager of the school within the law and in line with all BOT policies

Participate in the development and implementation of their annual performance agreement, and participate in their annual review process

Develop, seek BOT approval for, and implement an annual plan that is aligned with the BOT’s strategic plan, meets legislative requirements and gives priority to improved student progress and achievement.

Use resources efficiently and effectively and preserve assets (financial and property).

Put good employer policies into effect and ensure there are effective procedures/guidelines in place.

Allocate pay units for appropriate positions.

Ensure effective and robust performance management systems are in place for all staff which include performance management reviews, attestations for salary increases and staff professional development

Employ, deploy and staff as per employment policy.

Employ teaching staff as per the appointments policy.

Communicate with the community on operational matters where appropriate.

Refrain from unauthorised public statements about the official position of the BOT on controversial social, political, and/or educational issues

Keep the BOT informed of information important to its role.

Report to the BOT as per the BOT’s reporting policy requirements.

Act as Protected Disclosures Officer and ensure procedures are in place to meet the requirements of the Protected Disclosures Act 2000

Appoint, on behalf of the BOT, the Privacy Officer and EEO (Equal Employment Opportunity) Officer.

Only decisions made by the BOT acting as a BOT are binding on the Principal unless specific delegations are in place. Decisions or instructions by individual BOT members, committee chairs, or committees are not binding on the Principal except in rare circumstances when the BOT has specifically authorised it.


The relationship is one of trust and support with expectations documented in the relationship policy. All parties work to ensure “no surprises.”


The Principal is not restricted from using the expert knowledge of individual BOT members acting as community experts.

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