Delegation of Authority


Adopted17th June 2019

Reviewed April 2022.

The next review date will be April 2025.

Policy Statement

The BOT of KingsGate School may delegate any of the functions or powers of the BOT, either generally or specifically, to any of the following persons by resolution and written notice to the person or persons.


Procedural Guidelines

Delegation of the Principal’s Authority

The Principal in their absence has the authority to appoint the Deputy Principal to manage the day-to-day operations of the school on his/her behalf for periods not exceeding two consecutive weeks.


Deputy Principal’s Power to Act for the Principal

The Deputy Principal has full authority to act for the Principal in the absence of the Principal for all matters of student discipline.


Delegation of the BOT Chair’s Authority

The Chair's authority is delegated to the Deputy Chair if the Chair is unavailable. When the Chair will be unavailable for more than one month, the delegation shall be confirmed by a BOT resolution.



The BOT delegates to the selected members of the Policy Committee the authority to review policies and procedures on behalf of the BOT.


Principal’s Appraisal

The BOT Chair is delegated the responsibility for undertaking the Principal’s annual appraisal. The BOT Chair may employ an external consultant.


Staff Appraisal

The Principal is delegated the responsibility for undertaking annual staff appraisals. In turn, the Principal may delegate parts of this task to senior members of staff and/or external consultants.


Staff Appointments

The Principal is delegated full BOT authority to appoint staff within the limitations detailed in the procedures for staff appointments. For all tagged teaching positions a Proprietor’s Representative on the BOT and/or other elected BOT member will be given the opportunity to attend the interview.

a. Principal - Full Board

b. Senior Management and positions with at least 2 MUs and above - Principal and at least two BOT members

c. Administration and ancillary staff - The principal or deputy principal.

Discretionary Leave

The Principal is delegated full BOT authority to grant discretionary leave up to a maximum of five days for teaching staff and full authority to grant leave for support staff. The Principal may delegate this task to the Deputy Principal.


Attestation of Teacher Performance for Salary Increment

The BOT delegates to the Principal the task of the attestation of teacher performance and the signing off of renewal of Teachers’ Practicing Certificates.


Staff Disciplinary Issues

Support Staff:

The Principal is delegated full BOT authority for all employment issues including disciplinary action up to and including dismissal.


Teaching Staff:

The Principal is delegated authority to investigate complaints and to issue verbal and written warnings as appropriate in accordance with employment law and the relevant Collective Agreement. Any such warnings must be reported to the BOT Chair within 24 hours of issuing the warning and to the BOT at their next meeting. The Principal may suspend any employee during an inquiry or following receipt of a complaint if satisfied that the welfare and/or interests of any student attending the school or of any employee at the school so requires.


Where the initial investigation indicates that there is a serious case to answer and that it could result in dismissal, the Principal will refer the matter to the BOT. The BOT will delegate authority to a Board subcommittee to instigate a formal investigation and decide upon the outcome.


The Principal has delegated authority to instigate competency procedures in relation to teaching staff in accordance with the Primary Teachers Collective Employment Agreement (PTCEA). Any such procedures must be reported to the BOT at their next meeting.


The Board of Trustees’ Committee

The BOT delegates to the Chair of the Finance and Property Committee, BOT Chair and the Principal the authority to make decisions as an executive group on matters of finance only when urgency is required.


BOT Chair Financial Delegation

The BOT Chair has the authority to approve expenditures up to $500 per month for matters relating to the BOT.


Principal’s Financial Delegation

The Principal has the authority to spend up to the limits of the approved annual budget within respective categories. Accordingly, the limits for the spending of the budget are that it needs to be divided into thirds with a third being spent in the first third of the year and so forth.


Principal's Right to Delegate

The Principal has authority – within the limits imposed above, to delegate spending limits to identified staff.


Principal’s Authority to Replace Capital Items

The Principal has the authority to replace capital items not approved in the budgeting process on an ‘urgent’ basis. Power exercised under this authority will be reported to the next meeting of the BOT and is limited to $5,000. The BOT Chair will be informed immediately. Any item in excess of $5,000 requires the approval of the Finance and Property Committee.


Signing Authority

All bank accounts and authorities may be signed on behalf of the BOT by any two of the following:

a. The Principal

b. Office Administrator

c. BOT Chairperson



Delegation to invest BOT funds is granted to the Principal in compliance with the Education Act and Training Act 2020. Funds may not be invested outside the school’s bank unless the BOT so authorises.



The Principal has the authority to administer the payroll (with the exception of the Principal’s salary). Appointments and resignations will be reported to the next meeting of the BOT. Increments will be in accordance with Collective Agreements.


Property Administration

The day-to-day administration of property is the responsibility of the Principal.


Property Management

The Principal is delegated the responsibility to manage individually approved projects. Larger projects may involve an external Property Management Consultant being appointed.


Property Management – Limitations

The Principal has the authority to spend up to the limits of the approved budget. Accordingly, the limits for the spending of the budget are that it needs to be divided into thirds with a third being spent in the first third of the year and so forth. External Property Management Consultants will have contractual spending limits within the approved budget for the specific projects.


Discipline Committee Powers

The BOT delegates to a minimum of any two or more full BOT members the authority to carry out the role of the discipline committee of the BOT and make a final decision.


Emergency Plan Coordination

The Principal is delegated responsibility for Emergency Plan Coordination; the Principal may delegate this task to a senior member of staff.


Privacy Officer

The Principal is delegated full BOT authority to act as the BOT’s Privacy Officer. The Privacy Officer will implement and/or follow the specific criteria as outlined in the Terms of Reference for this position. The Principal may delegate this task to a senior member of staff.


Overnight Trips

The BOT Chair in consultation with the Principal is delegated authority to approve overnight trips that have not been through the usual BOT procedure. All approvals must be reported to the full BOT at the next meeting.


School Closure

The Principal has the authority to close the school if necessary due to exceptional circumstances, e.g. on the advice of the Ministry of Health around pandemic issues.


Signing Declarations

The Principal can sign declarations on behalf of the BOT in relation to information required by the Ministry of Education.


Public Relations

The Chair and the Principal are the only members permitted to make press releases or speak to the media on behalf of the school. The Principal may delegate this to relevant staff for the purpose of promoting school and student achievements.

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