ESOL - English for Speakers of Other Languages


Adopted 17th June 2019

Reviewed May 2020

Reviewed December 2023

Next review date May 2025

Policy Statement

KingsGate School acknowledges and welcomes the presence of students who are English Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL). The school endeavours to meet the learning and language needs of these students in the context of specialised ESOL support provided by the ESOL teacher and in-class support provided by the classroom teacher. Staff and the school community (parents and whānau) need to be aware of the procedures that are followed when an ESOL student is enrolled at KingsGate School.


To foster student achievement through the development of English language acquisition of those students whose first language is not English.

Procedural Guidelines

Upon enrolment, orientation will take place with the classroom teacher as per the Staff Manual and Teaching and Learning guidelines.

The SENCo in conjunction with the school’s ESOL learning support staff, will assess all incoming ESOL students before deciding on appropriate additional tuition.

Classroom organisation and programmes will be adapted to meet the ESOL student’s needs, in constant consultation with the SENCO and learning support staff.

Families are welcome to make an appointment to discuss their child’s progress or concerns and be advised of the best ways to support learning at home. Where possible an interpreter will be made available for parents who speak little English and require assistance understanding their child’s progress.

Selection of learning materials and resources will be at the discretion of the ESOL lead teacher, ESOL instructor and the classroom teacher. Materials and resources will be offset against the ESOL budget annually as directed by the Principal and BOT.

The ESOL Department receives annual funding from the MOE and the school’s bulk grant. Students are assessed against the ELLP (English Language Learning Progressions) for funding purposes.

Promoting cultural awareness and understanding for parents, whānau, caregivers and staff is highly valued and is an ongoing process. This is supported by hosting cultural dinners, gaining parent voice through surveys within cultural groups, and in-school cultural events. Cultural weeks are a time for parents to come and teach the wider school community about their culture in dance, cuisine, dress, games and customs. Advisors from within our own and wider community, are just some of the resources available.

Record keeping is undertaken by the student’s classroom teacher, Learning Support Teacher and by the SENCo. Copies of student files are kept in the Administration Office.

Learning support staff and classroom teachers can attend relevant professional courses organised through the Principal.

Should the need arise, the channel of communication that ESOL parents, whānau or caregivers should follow is:

ESOL and classroom teacher → SENCo→ -Principal → Chairman of the BOT

Supporters and Sponsors

Parents, please support our local businesses

Orizen Tyres Pukekohe Diana Cussen Barfoot & Thompson Ltd DTS Electrical Pukekohe Storage Stihl Shop Pukekohe LJ Hooker Pukekohe Dial A Nerd - Pukekohe Dean Peppiatt - Harcourts Fountains Funerals & Monuments Unearthed Counties Home Loans & Insurance Peter J Valley Drainlaying Ltd Zoom Technologies Pukekohe Toyota

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