Anti-Bullying (Student)


Adopted17th June 2019

Reviewed June 2020.

Reviewed June 2023

Next review date is June 2026


To develop a school culture where bullying is unable to take root. Where instances may occur, they will be addressed promptly and effectively. Children can learn most effectively in an atmosphere free of harassment and violence.

Policy Statement

All children have the right to live and learn in an environment where they feel valued and safe. KingsGate School is a PB4L-SW school. PB4L-SW stands for ‘Positive Behaviour for Learning – School Wide’. PB4L is a Ministry of Education framework that helps schools to develop a positive school culture that supports learning and positive behaviour. The concept behind this is that like learning, behaviour is a skill that needs to be taught. PB4L helps to change the environment, systems and practices to support children to make positive choices.

PB4L-SW is a framework that supports our school’s special character, vision and values. Our values are:

S – strength, E – empathy, R – respect, V – vision, E - endurance

Biblical Principles

Jesus makes it very clear in Mark 12:28-31 that loving each other comes second only to loving God. Bullying and dominant behaviour is the antithesis of God’s instruction and example to us. Kingsgate School is a community of care and manaakitanga (respect, humility, kindness and honesty), in which all people are to be loved and nurtured.

Definition of Bullying

To effectively prevent bullying, it is important to everyone (school leaders, teachers, students, whānau and community) to have a shared understanding of what bullying is. Whether bullying is physical, verbal, emotional or online (cyberbullying), there are four factors that can be used to identify bullying:


1. is deliberate – intentionally causing physical and / or psychological harm to another person.

2. involves a power imbalance – an actual (or perceived) unequal relationship between those being bullied and those who bully e.g. due to physical size, age, gender, social status or digital capability and access.

3. is usually not a one-off – it is repeated over time, with the threat of further incidents leading to fear and anxiety. People may bully one person many times, or different people each time.

4. is harmful – there is short or long-term physical or psychological harm to the target (e.g. as a result of coercion or intimidation).

Bullying is not:

mutual arguments and disagreements

single episodes of social rejection or dislike

single episode acts of nastiness or spite

random acts of aggression or intimidation.

Response to Allegations of Bullying

All allegations of bullying as met by the definition in this policy will be taken seriously by KingsGate School and will be dealt with according to the KingsGate School Behaviour Response Flow Chart (see:


It is imperative all parents/ whānau/ caregivers connected to each incident are kept fully informed, so they can be confident school staff treat this issue seriously and are doing something about it. They can in turn do their part to support us in our efforts to make sure bullying does not take root at KingsGate School.





Supporters and Sponsors

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Orizen Tyres Pukekohe Diana Cussen Barfoot & Thompson Ltd DTS Electrical Pukekohe Storage Unearthed Counties Home Loans & Insurance Peter J Valley Drainlaying Ltd Zoom Technologies Pukekohe Toyota Aaron Snook Electrical Pukekohe Early Learning Centre Natalie Allan - Vegalend A1 Homes South Auckland

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