Accident Reporting and Investigation


Adopted17th June 2019

Next review date: July 2023


Policy Statement

The KingsGate School BOT recognizes its responsibility to report all accidents and incidents involving harm to persons and this will be investigated in order to prevent a recurrence of similar accidents. Deficiencies will be identified and any remedial action will be implemented.


Procedural Guidelines

Accidents and Accident Reporting

Records of all accidents, cause and treatment should be recorded in the register kept in the staffroom. This is a legal requirement. Any notification to parents of a serious accident or incident should be via the attending staff member. The Principal must be informed immediately of any accident to a staff member.


Accidents on School Property


If you have an accident you must inform the office immediately and complete the accident form so that we have a record for ACC. If the accident is not registered with us, ACC will not pay.



Ensure that the office staff are involved in recording the incident.


Accident/incident reporting

If you have an accident while at school or while on school business, e.g. field trips, sports trips, etc. you must report the accident to the Principal/Deputy Principal. The nature and cause of the accident will be recorded and later evaluated to determine and then eliminate hazards. The accident must also be recorded in order to be eligible for ACC assistance that might later be required. If students have an accident while under your supervision you must also ensure they report to the office for treatment and/or to have the accident/incident recorded. The Health and Safety Act requires that all accidents/incidents which have either harmed or might have harmed employees and students be reported.


Serious Harm Accidents

Where serious harm occurs to either a staff member or student, the Principal/Deputy Principal, (or a Senior Teacher in his/her absence) must be informed as soon as is practicable. The school in this instance is required to notify Workplace New Zealand as soon as possible and submit a written report to them within seven days of the event. “Serious harm” is defined as any of the following conditions that amounts to or results in:

a. permanent loss of bodily function

b. temporary severe loss of bodily function

c. respiratory disease

d. noise-induced hearing loss

e. neurological disease

f. cancer

g. dermatological disease

h. communicable disease

i. musculoskeletal disease

j. illness caused by exposure to infected material

k. decompression sickness

l. poisoning

m. vision impairment,

n. chemical or hot metal burn of eye, penetrating wound of eye,

o. bone fracture, laceration

p. Crushing

q. amputation of body part

r. burns requiring referral to a specialist registered medical practitioner or specialist out-patient clinic

s. loss of consciousness from lack of oxygen

t. loss of consciousness

u. or acute illness requiring treatment by a registered medical practitioner, from absorption, inhalation, or ingestion, of any substance

v. any harm that causes the person injured to be hospitalised for a period of 48 hours or more, commencing within seven days of the occurrence of the injury.


Where a person is seriously harmed at a school, the school is required to ensure that no one removes or disturbs any wreckage, article, or thing related to the incident unless it is necessary to:

1. save the life of, prevent harm to, or relieve the suffering of, any person; or

2. maintain access to an essential service or utility


A Workplace New Zealand inspector or a member of the police must give permission before the accident scene may be disturbed.

Supporters and Sponsors

Parents, please support our local businesses

Orizen Tyres Pukekohe Diana Cussen Barfoot & Thompson Ltd DTS Electrical Pukekohe Storage Unearthed Counties Home Loans & Insurance Peter J Valley Drainlaying Ltd Zoom Technologies Pukekohe Toyota Aaron Snook Electrical Pukekohe Early Learning Centre Natalie Allan - Vegalend A1 Homes South Auckland

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