School Policies




The Board of Trustees (BOT) of KingsGate School is focused on the ongoing improvement of student progress and achievement within an environment that provides inclusive education.

Refer to the New Zealand Curriculum, the New Zealand Disability Strategy, and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Disabled People.

To ensure effective school performance, the BOT is committed to maintaining a strong and effective governance framework that incorporates legislative requirements and good practice.


Governance and Management

The following are the BOT’s agreed governance and management definitions which form the basis upon which both the working relationships and the BOT’s policies are developed.


Governance through the lens of the school’s Christian character:

  1. The ongoing improvement of student progress and achievement is the BOT’s focus.
  2. The BOT acts in a stewardship role and is entrusted to work on behalf of all stakeholders. It is accountable for the school’s performance, emphasizes strategic leadership, sets the vision for the school and ensures compliance with legal and policy requirements.
  3. BOT policies are at a governance level and outline clear delegations to the Principal. The BOT and Principal form the leadership, with the role of each documented and understood. The Principal reports to the BOT as a whole with committees used when appropriate and only when a need is identified in order to contribute to the BOT work.
  4. The BOT is proactive rather than reactive in its operations and decision making and does not involve itself in the administrative details of the day to day running of the school


The BOT delegates all authority and accountability for the day-to-day operational organisation of the school to the Principal who must ensure compliance with both the BOT policy framework and the law of New Zealand. 

All policies are to be read in conjunction with the following:

  1. Education and Training Act 2020
  2. Handbook for Boards of Trustees of State Integrated Schools
  3. NZSTA Policy Framework
  4. NZSTA Trustees Handbook
  5. Privacy Act 2020
  6. Employment Relations Act 2000
  7. Human Rights Act 1993
  8. Protected Disclosures Act 2000
  9. State Sector Act 1988
  10. The New Zealand Teachers Council (Making Reports and Complaints) Rules 2004

In order to carry out effective governance of the school, the BOT has developed the following policy framework.

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